Food review: Jollibee’s sweet and sour meatball 39ers


   Quick food review post..


         I go to work riding an MRT every single day, and when I saw the billboard of Jollibee, offering the new 39ers sweet and sour meatballs, I knew I have to try it. Or maybe I’m just taken with advertising easily? LOL! But anyway, it was definitely worth it. BF and I met up for a dinner date a while ago. I ordered the new sweet and sour while he had the lumpiang shanghai 39ers.

          I didn’t want to expect so much, but I’m actually surprised with this one. Of course, it wasn’t really the wow type, but the added crunch made it a little bit special IMHO. The sauce that came with it was good too. And again, BF kept asking for a bite, haha.


DSCN1983   Up close, you can see that it has a thin layer of breading, and it complimented well. The meat itself was just ordinary, but good. Definitely worth trying, even for seconds. The sauce tastes different from the shanghai though, just in case you’re wondering. I only wished they can serve meatballs ala carte with no rice (just in case you want more of the meatballs, like in my case. haha)

    I definitely recommend this!  This is my 2nd favorite from the 39ers line.

DSCN1985                                                       BF and me ~ burp


    Till then!

