Event: Lolo Dad’s Brasserie 6750 (Well fed, Well nourished Campaign launch)

Hello dear readers! Last Friday (June 15, 2012), PFI (Pet Food Institute) invited me for the Well-fed Well-nourished campaign launch at Lolo Dad’s Brasserie 6750 Makati. Details of the event can be read in my other blog Inside A Cat’s Mind.

Guests and Media were well fed and I would like to thank Strategic Edge, Inc. for inviting me. Here’s what we were served at the event.




What I had

My first plate consisted of marinated artichoke, tomatoes, cheese and marinated salmon.


Second plate consisted of the same except for the bleu cheese, potato salad, marinated zucchini and a rosette. Which tasted like potato chips, it was really good.


We were then served the pizza and pasta. I was not able to take photos of the other food that were served, but here’s what I was able to take a photo of which was near my table.

This is the creamed salmon pizza which was really good. Well, anything with salmon IS good right? 🙂


Pasta: Garlic, onion anchovy penne pasta.


For the main course I opted for the Deep fried cobbler fish with tartar sauce and risotto. I wasn’t able to finish my main course but I enjoyed it a lot. Especially the fish, tartar sauce and veggies.


For dessert this was what was served to us (photo below)


And to cap off our delectable meal I chose a  coffee latte and sipped it through as soon as the discussion started.


Head on to Inside A Cat’s Mind to find out what the campaign is all about 🙂

Feel free to comment or post your insights